Friday, September 11, 2009


Do you ever fear that something would happen to take you away from your children? I worry all the time. Having lost my mom at an early age, I now have 1 child and worry constantly that my child will have a mom for a long time. I fear that he will have to grow up not knowing me, and the love that I have for him. I know people that haven't ever lost anyone close to them and just don't even think about that. I wish that I had that luxury, not to fear the idea.

The mystery of the brain

Okay, I thought I was understanding why we do the things that we do, I was wrong. It is mental, but my study has not come to a conclustion. Will have to study further!

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Have you ever found yourself wondering what was someone thinking? Not to be mean, but I just witnessed an attractive faced man with horrible frizzy hair and in a mohawk. Does he really think that looks good. I am all about not caring what someone else thinks, but I do what I like, but how could you really personally like that? I don't know!